Wednesday, January 30, 2013

A Bookstore Cafe

My dream: A bookstore cafe with poetry and coffee in its very skeleton.

I envision a coffee fountain out front, in a beautiful little garden, a fountain in which we will throw our unused coffee at the end of the day. I see little kids throwing pennies into that fountain and pulling the hands of their mothers to come inside.

I see a poetry club, a creative writing class, a photography class complete with gallery space for those pictures needing a place to call home. 

I see special events: a coffeehouse all-nighter complete with live music and string lights, book scavenger hunts, poetry slams, children's storybook time, author signings, electration-station (technology hub) complete with leather chairs and footstools.

I can taste the peppermint mocha at Christmastime, the frozen honeydew smoothies in summer.

I want to help foster a love of books in the next generation.

Someone please help me!

Sebago Book Co. and Coffee Fountain

Above: Poster concept for my fake bookstore's first event. Hey, a girl can dream.