Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Top Outerwear Picks of the Season

The "I'm-So-Hipster-That-I'm-Not-Hipster" Jacket

The Sorority Must-Have

The Avid Sportsman Windbreaker

The Mid
In the bright light of the Indiana plains
my sister said that it’s just as she imagined:
flat, with those tall, brown Indiana plants,
perpetually tall and brown in the dead of winter,
or mid-summer, or in an unseasonably warm March.
We flew across the flat highway, passing thousands
or millions of Indiana plants trapped
in their lonely, tall brownness along I-80.
I thought of you at the end of our journey,
waiting at the end of our straight and narrow path,
waiting in Chicago, where the Indiana plants
are replaced with industrial-looking things and
rich Midwesterners thinking they’re as chic
as the east coast or the west when in fact
they’re just caught in the middle of the long road;
pioneers who settled before they reached
the final destination.
And you- waiting for us in the middle,
where we’ve flown to and driven to from
our home on the east coast, you wait
for me with open arms and show me that
being in the  middle isn’t so very bad.