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This is a drug rug. ^ |
(a psychological interrogation of the mind, by B. N. Truscott)
It starts with a notion: I think I'll try on one of those popular(ish), hippie subculture hoodies that we see on Mexicans and pot heads. As I ponder the reactions I'll get from family and (not quite) highschool-caliber-stereotypes from my college friends, I further question the underlying effects of wearing the so-called drug rug. Will I be judged? Will my alliances change? Will professors think lowly of me simply for my outfit, a drastic change from my bland, simple, and classically modest wardrobe?
Just what DOES happen to the psyche when you slip one on? Here are a few real life answers from friends that were asked this very question.
-If they wear it in the rain, they'll become a wet dog
-They scream to the world 'I'm a stoner'
-Itchiness depends on rug quality
-Instantaneous idealism in the category of physical and emotional relaxation
-What's a drug rug? (4 different people)
-It makes you feel like a hippie
-They're fucking weird to wear that ugly thing
-They think that it's okay to smoke pot
-Interesting question..
-I will wear mine tomorrow and share my findings with you :)
-They get stereotyped
-You look like a druggie
-No effects, people just wear them because they are comfortable
-I might be smart, but I'm not street smart...what's a drug rug?
-It will make you feel tainted and separated from society emotionally because of the negative stigma placed on them. It would probably have adverse effects on your self-esteem and happiness as well. Also, the colors and patterns on some of the ones that I googled seemed like they would make you feel tripped out by just looking at them.
Various participants didn't know what I was talking about when I asked the question, so I had to describe what a drug rug was...after my clarification, one friend asserted her understanding: Oh! So a drugged hemp poncho thing?...yes, exactly. But apparently this person wasn't completely sure she knew what a drug rug really was....her answer to my question was this: Well, drug residue could be left on seats, exposing others to this drug. It could be given to animals. The persons kidneys/liver could fail due to constant exposure to this drug, which would not allow either organ to have enough time to process the drug. God bless her. To her response, I gave back a quick thank you and she replied: Anytime! Or if someone took it off because they were hot, they could leave it somewhere by accident. Or die of heatstroke because they were too hot and couldn't take it off.
An old friend of mine asks if I'm talking about a person who always wears one, or someone who slips one on randomly. We're going to go with randomly. What happens when someone who has never worn one in their life slips on a baja hoodie?
I feel that this response merits a highlight: Wow, you go out and party once and all of a sudden you're wearing a drug rug...well be prepared for judgement from the rest of the respectable population who probably will think you have an obsession for Bob Marley and smokin' the reefer., and this has already changed your language because you used the word 'homies' in a text.
Another reply worth noting: Psych-wise, they probs think that they are a druggie and/or social outcast. Physically they may feel they are high which may cause addiction to the drug rug as a symbol of that comfort zone that they are in while high. May release more dopamine into brain, which causes more dopamine receptors per neuron = more addiction.
I believe it's safe to say (after reading these responses), if I choose to wear a drug rug, I will surely have to pay for it. I may be called a pot head, or a druggie, and least reputation tainting of them all, a hippie.
But alas, I'll simply be a girl, in a starchy cotton thread hoodie, wishing to express her love of culture and class.
The a in Aurantifolia should not be capitalized...u no better than that