Friday, August 26, 2011

The New Organon

'Nature to the commanded must be obeyed.' -Francis Bacon (1620)

Lately my thoughts have been focused on technology through time and it's path. Well, that and how I need to go to the gym, stop drinking Starbucks, and figure out a way to get a 4.0 GPA this semester. There are three recognized paths that technology can take: 1) From the beginning of the world, technology was at it's height because everything was natural and the way God intended it to be. Since then, it's only gotten "worse" and has gone downhill, and it continues to do so with each passing year. 2) In the beginning was darkness and since the beginning, technology has only gone up, up, up; it increases and becomes better with every passing year. And 3) When God created the world, technology started to increase and help the lives of the people who lived in the world. When God returns, time will stop and thus technology will cease, therefore showing a stop/start/stop pattern.

What do you believe?

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