Old things rock. I've always been an old soul, reading books about the pioneers and Native Americans and Englishmen from the eighteenth century when I was just a little girl. I'd get lost in my books about history, soaking up as much knowledge of the past as my mind could handle. When I was six, I asked my Grandma K. to teach me to sew. We made handmade doll clothes and pillows in an age where little girls were playing with plastic Bratz dolls and Spice Girls karaoke. I love my old books, a collection I started in high school. They symbolize so much more than age and cracked leather bindings and yellowed pages. They are the end of an era that no longer exists.You read the past in some old faces. -William Makepeace Thackeray
Some of my favorite old things, all original photography, except the picture of myself and the 70's picture of my beautiful grandparents, Florence and Raymond Kriner.